Sunday, 3 March 2013

Eamcet 2013

EAMCET 2013 | Entrance Exam

As per the latest notifications released, the candidates have to fill their Recent Second Year Hall Ticket Number while filling the application form for EAMCET 2013. The candidates who apply with their first year hall ticket number will be rejected.

The APSCHE has released the exam date for EAMCET 2013. The exam will be held on 10th May, 2013 (Friday). The complete exam brochure and forms will be released on 15th of February, 2013. Between 17th and 30th June, 2013 the first phase of admissions will be carried out and the second phase will be carried out in between 8th and 11th July, 2013.

EAMCET 2013 i.e. ‘Engineering, Agricultural & Medical Common Entrance Test’ will be a single competitive exam for entrance in Medical, Engineering and Agricultural courses and will be conducted by JNT University Hyderabad.

The EAMCET 2013 Entrance Exam will be conducted on 10th of May 2013, will be of 3 hour duration and consist of 160 questions of which 80 questions will be on Mathematics, 40 on Physics and 40 on Chemistry. To have detailed information about the EAMCET 2013 exam, the type of questions that will be asked and various instructions to be followed while giving the exams, students can refer to the brochure.

The candidates should fulfill all the eligibility conditions of EAMCET 2013 which are:

The candidate should be of Indian Nationality or PIO or OCI category to give EAMCET 2013.
The candidate should be local to Andhra Pradesh state.
Candidate should have cleared or appeared in final year exams of 12th/Diploma with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as the course subjects to give EAMCET 2013 Entrance Exam.
The candidate should fulfill the minimum age criteria as per the eligibility conditions laid down in the prospectus.
If any of the following things were found at any stage of admission process, the candidature of the person concerned will be cancelled:

Incomplete Online Application submission of EAMCET 2013.
Any of the Eligibility Conditions are not fulfilled.
Credentials are found false or incorrect.
Submission after due date.
The EAMCET 2013 Entrance Exam medium:

Exam will be held in “English” and “Telugu” medium.
The candidates, who have passed the qualifying exam in “Urdu” and need assistance for translation, will be allotted test center for EAMCET 2013 at Hyderabad only.
Candidates have to submit an online fee of Rs. 250/- to initiate the EAMCET 2013 application process via one of the following two modes:

The candidates who want to appear for Engineering and Agriculture and Medicine should carefully select the option ‘both (E & AM Category) together’, while applying for the exam. Otherwise different exam center may be allotted and it will not be EAMCET 2013 responsibility. However, such candidates have to submit only one application form only otherwise one of them would be arbitrarily chosen automatically calling for rejection of the other one.

Application Process of Entrance Exam EAMCET 2013:

Applications will be submitted ONLINE only by CLICKING HERE or logging onto:
While filling the forms, candidates should keep the following information ready:
Hall ticket Number of S.S.C. or equivalent.
Hall ticket Number of H.S.C or equivalent.
Date of Birth.
PH, NCC, Sports etc.
Caste in case of ST/BC/SC candidates.
Income more than or less than Two Lac.
Proof of local status.
Candidates have to submit the certificates of the above mentioned things at the time of counselling of EAMCET 2013.
After filling the ONLINE EAMCET 2013 form and payment of fees, the candidates should verify the information filled and ‘SUBMIT’ the form.
Then the printable version of the form will be shown now with a unique REGISTRATION NUMBER per candidate which is to be saved till the admission process of EAMCET 2013 is complete.
All the future correspondences will have to be made with the reference of Registration Number only.
If a candidate has appeared for EAMCET 2013 and qualified it, it doesn’t mean that he has a seat entitled to him. He will have to satisfy all the criteria and go through the complete counselling process to get a seat.
The qualifying marks in EAMCET 2013 Entrance Exam will be 40 out of 160 for all the candidates except the SC and ST. There will be no minimum qualifying mark for them. However, the seats will be allotted to the SC and ST candidates according to the reservation for them.
The candidates who have any objection regarding the results of EAMCET 2013 can call for re-evaluation and request for photocopy of OMR answer sheet after paying Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- resp. (General/BC) and Rs. 200/- and Rs. 400/- resp. (ST/SC).
Every candidate will be sent an individual score card of EAMCET 2013 and he/she should preserve the rank card, online filled application form and Hall Ticket for the round of counselling.
n case any candidate loses his/her Rank Card, then a duplicate one will be issued to him/her after the payment of a DD of Rs.100/- of any nationalized bank payable at Hyderabad.
For knowing the other details, filling the forms, and to know various updates of EAMCET 2013, candidates can visit
In case of any tie, it will be resolved by:
Total marks obtained in EAMCET 2013.
Marks obtained in Mathematics section.
Marks obtained in Physics section of EAMCET 2013 Entrance Exam.
Aggregate in qualifying exam.
The Date of Birth. Older candidate will be given preference.
Candidates can refer to the prospectus or
The last dates for EAMCET 2013 Application Form submission are as under:
Without late fee:    27th of March 2013
With Late Fee (Rs. 500/-):    8th of April 2013
With Late Fee (Rs. 1000/-):    17th of April 2013
With Late Fee (Rs. 5000/-):    27th of April 2013
With Late Fee (Rs. 10000/-):    7th of May 2013 

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